sexta-feira, novembro 23, 2007

Not yet golden but Sterling

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Chart courtesy of

While watching times of slumping markets, correction in precious and base metals are ongoing. But it is nothing less than a normal procedure and surely a healthy one. The USD seemed to have gone nowhere on a very shy rally. Probably, it is headed south unless some market "miracle" may arrive.

So, it appears to be a good idea to research and find good assets for the possibly near term. We may look at junior Sterling Mining (SRLM) as a challenge as I think it is looking upwards. It has lots of good land and a Silver mine (Sunshine Mine) currently forecasted to begin production in December 2007.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Viva Comentador,

A Sterling Mining é uma das que está na minha carteira para quando a prata arrancar. ;)



Comentador disse...

Viva PekenoBuda,

É bem possível que também arranque. Pertence a um lote que vem logo atrás das juniors de top das quais já aqui referi algumas.

Um abraço

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